Handstand Quest

Hollow Body L1

Hollow Body L1
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How To

As you do this exercise, the most important part is to push the low back into the floor.

On your back, bend your knees towards your chest, keeping your pelvis on the floor, as you lift your upper back up, shoulder blades off the floor.

Make sure your shoulders are rounded keeping a solid form, with straight arms in front next to your hips.

Continue to breathe and make sure not to allow any space to develop between your low back and the floor.


Tip 1

Press your lower back into the floor by drawing your belly button down and in. Lift your shoulders off the floor by elongating your spine and actively contracting your abs.

Tip 2

Focus on breathing from your diaphragm. Don’t hold your breath. Keep your head in a neutral position so you are not straining your neck.

Tip 3

The hollow body teaches you how to connect multiple core muscles together, which will help you be more powerful and efficient as a unit.

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