Handstand Quest

Spiderman Push-up

Spiderman Push-up
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How To

For those already able to do full pushups with proper form, the spiderman pushup variation is a good way to further target your core and obliques while also actively engaging your lower body—particularly your hip flexors and quadriceps.

Every time you lower yourself into a pushup, simply draw one of your knees out and up, aiming to touch it to the same-side elbow. You alternate sides with every pushup, so you end up looking like Spiderman trying to crawl up a wall.


Proper form

Maintain a strong plank position throughout the exercise, keeping your body in a straight line from your head to your heels.

Controlled movements

As you lower yourself into the push-up, move your knee towards your elbow in a controlled manner. Avoid jerky movements and focus on engaging your core muscles.

Full range of motion

Make sure you perform a full push-up by lowering your chest to the ground and then extending your arms fully to push yourself back up.


Inhale as you lower yourself into the push-up and bring your knee towards your elbow. Exhale as you push back up and return your leg to the starting position.

Keep your neck neutral

Avoid craning your neck or looking up during the exercise. Instead, keep your gaze slightly in front of your hands to maintain a neutral neck position.

Engage your core

Focus on keeping your core muscles engaged throughout the movement to help stabilize your body and maintain proper form.


If you find Spiderman Push-ups too challenging, you can modify the exercise by performing the push-up on your knees or by elevating your hands on a bench or step.

Quality over quantity

Aim for quality repetitions rather than trying to complete a high number of reps with poor form.

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