Handstand Quest


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How To

For the purpose of a handstand, your form in cartwheel doesn't have to be perfect. You just have to get the hang of kicking your legs up, as vertically as possible, and landing them safely.

Here are the steps to do to:

  • Put your dominant leg in front and bend it slightly. Your arms should be straight above your head.
  • Put your hands on the ground, starting with the dominant hand first.
  • As you put your first hand, start raising your back leg all the way up. Once you reach your limit, kick your front leg up while you place your other hand next to the dominant hand.
  • Try to make the motion from kicking to landing go in a straight line. The foot that kicks first should land first.


Tip 1

Start with just kicking around the side, then gradually improving the form correctly kicking vertically over your head.

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