Handstand Quest

Wall Pirouette

Wall Pirouette
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How To

Your goal is to do a half cartwheel and end up with a chest-to-wall handstand, then continue the second half of the cartwheel to bail from the wall dynamically to the floor.

Here are the steps:

  1. Find your dominant turning direction and get ready to move your dominant hand and leg first.
  2. Get into your handstand position against the wall, facing the wall.
  3. Don't worry too much about your form, it'll get better to practice. If your hands are far from the wall and legs are not straight, adjust them so you can be in a solid chest-to-wall position.
  4. Tap one foot away from the wall gently to force yourself to overbalance.
  5. Rotate your body away from the wall while you place your dominant hand next to your other hand.
  6. Step down first with the leg farthest from the wall, allowing your second leg to stay in contact with the wall, using it for assistance and stability.


Tip 1

From a Chest To Wall position, tap one foot away from the wall gently to force yourself to overbalance. Rotate your body away from the wall while you place your dominant hand next to your other hand. Step down first with the leg farthest from the wall.

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