Handstand Quest

Balancing Tabletop

Balancing Tabletop
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How To

The balancing tabletop pose will challenge your back and core strength while preparing you for the tabletop twist.

  • From tabletop, lift your right leg up on an inhale so that it is extended straight out behind you and your toes are pointed. Exhale and maintain your body-weight evenly on both hips.
  • On your next inhale, raise your left arm so it is parallel to the floor in front of you, fingers reaching forward. Use your core to help stabilize your weight so that you are not wobbling or leaning to either side. Try to keep your back as flat and stable as a tabletop.
  • Hold the pose for 3 to 5 breaths, then release on an exhale and repeat on the other side.


Tip 1

Keep your gaze at a spot between your palms to prevent neck injuries. Keep your spine in a neutral position. This pose improves balance, memory, focus and coordination. It also builds core body strength and lengthens the spine.

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