Handstand Quest


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How To

Lay down on the floor, feet shoulder width apart. Start bending both knees, make sure that they are aligned with your heels.

Place the palm of your hands next to the ears, and start pushing up with your shoulders as you try to extend your elbows, pushing your chest out. Make sure you reach a position where your shoulders are aligned with your wrists as you reach the wheel.

Try to squeeze the bottom to elongate and feel the stretch more. Hold as long as you can, focus on your breathing and stretch as much as you can breathe effectively.

If this is too much, focus on the bridge pause instead.


Tip 1

Keep the feet parallel to each other and hip distance apart. If they turn out when you push up, adjust them back to parallel. A nice trick is to squeeze a block between the thighs as you come up.

Tip 2

Push off the legs, not the hands. Wrap the elbows in as you come up, allowing the shoulder blades to stay close to the body. Once you come up into the pose, balance the weight between the hands and the feet.

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