Handstand Quest


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How To

Before starting:

  • make sure you warm up your wrists and stretch your shoulders.
  • be comfortable with bailing out of a handstand (ex: cartwheel)

Place your hands on the floor, kick with your dominant leg.

Make sure to focus on getting your pelvis stacked over the shoulders and wrist, as your kick up and when you reach up. Make sure your arms are straight and core engaged.

Breathe and know when you need to stop to avoid injuries.


Form follows function

Cambered hands, active shoulders, locked elbows, hips over head, feet over hips… really whatever feels easier to get you to hold the handstand longer.

Make it automatic

By doing countless handstands, we get from conscious to automatic brain behavior. It starts becoming more like driving, and thus a lot easier to hold.

Regaining balance

Lose balance => correct the flow => recover.Real progress comes from struggling to correct your balance by squeezing your body and fingers tightly in an attempt to recover.

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