Handstand Quest

Stag Handstand

Stag Handstand
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How To

This is a great way to practice your handstand balancing skills off the wall. In a handstand, the momentum and weight of your legs extended above you could throw you off balance.

Keeping the knees bent with the hips over the shoulders is easier to hold. From here, you can practice straightening the legs.

  • Prepare your upper body like a typical handstand (straight arm, shoulders stacked over hands, pushing shoulders away from the ground, hips over shoulders)
  • Keep your gaze slightly in front of your hands.
  • Lift one leg up, followed by your other bent leg, which helps you stay balanced and avoid falling over.
  • Experiment with keeping your first leg bent or straight, whatever helps keep the balance for longer.

Alternate legs.


Tip 1

Keep your gaze slightly in front of your hands.

Tip 2

Don't forget to alternate legs

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