Handstand Quest

Tuck Handstand

Tuck Handstand
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How To

Basically, bend your knees close to your chest as you get in and out of a handstand. Make sure you focus on one point to find your balance, and keep the shoulder flexed next to the knees as you try to get them towards your chest.

If this is too hard, there are two progressions you can try:

  • Enter a straight handstand, then start tucking your knees towards your chest.
  • put socks on and go into a chest-to-wall handstand with your hands one foot away from the wall. Slide the feet down into a tight tuck and extend them back up.


Start with a solid handstand foundation

Before attempting a tuck handstand, make sure you have a solid foundation in the basic handstand. Practice holding a handstand against the wall and work on building strength and control in your shoulders, arms, and core.

Focus on your form

Proper form is essential for performing a tuck handstand safely and effectively. Keep your arms straight and your fingers spread out, and focus on engaging your core and glutes to maintain stability.

Engage your legs

To maintain balance in the tuck position, focus on engaging your legs. Press your feet together and keep your legs active throughout the exercise.

Use your breath

Taking slow, deep breaths can help you stay focused and calm during a tuck handstand. Inhale as you lift your legs up into the tuck position, and exhale as you lower them back down.

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