Handstand Quest

Kneeling to Pike Prep

Kneeling to Pike Prep
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How To

Start sitting on your heels, feet pointed. Place your hands in front of your knees and your shoulders on top of your hands.

While keeping the feet pointed, push with your entire lower legs to lift your hips up. At the same time focus on rounding through your torso. The goal is to find compression and to lift our hips high. If your feet hurt, it means you are keeping too much weight on your legs. Use this as a reminder to transfer your weight to your hands from the very beginning of the move. Push through your shoulders, and curl on your belly to find lightness on the pose.


Warm up

Begin with wrist, shoulder, and core mobility exercises to prepare your body for the movement.

Use blocks for guidance

Place yoga blocks next to your forearms as a reminder to keep your forearms over your hands throughout the exercise.

Engage your core

ctivate your core muscles to help lift your hips and create compression in the movement.

Push through your shoulders

Apply pressure through your shoulders to lift your hips higher and maintain proper alignment.

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