Handstand Quest

Straddle Jump To Handstand

Straddle Jump To Handstand
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How To

From standing, with your feet together, fold forward with straight knees to place your hands flat just in front of your toes. Keep your upper body stacked (shoulders over your wrists).

Make a gentle jump, hips going forward and ribs in, arms straight and shoulders stay in the same place. Keep your legs strong by extending them outwards rather than attempting to sweep the legs in a circular upward motion.

As you jump, point the feet and get your legs straight. As you go down, open the legs, keeping them straight, and slowly bringing them together as you touch the ground.

If you end in a straddle with your back to the wall and need the wall for support, end with your feet touching the wall.


Tip 1

Hips go forward, belly tucked in, while you open up your shoulders at the same time.

Tip 2

Point the toes and lock the legs out the entire time as you drive them outward.

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