Handstand Quest


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How To

This pose strengthens the arms, shoulders, and abdominals.

Start in a squat position, allow your tailbone to drop towards the floor until the sit-bones are a few inches above the floor

Place your hands on the floor, shoulder distant apart. Spread the fingers and press evenly through all four corners of the hand.

Slightly bend your elbows. Transition onto the balls of your feet, lifting your buttocks into the air.

Walk your knees high up on the triceps. Shift your body weight forward as you gaze forward and lift the toes off the mat towards the sit-bones.


Tip 1

Get the knees as high up the arms as possible. The elbows are drawing in, not flapping out to the side. Focus on lifting your hips high, almost as if your knees could lift off your elbows. Upper back is rounded, not flat.

Engage your core

Engaging your core is essential for maintaining balance in crow pose. Before lifting your feet off the floor, make sure to engage your abdominal muscles and draw your navel towards your spine.

Look forward

Keeping your gaze focused on a point on the floor between your hands can help you maintain balance and prevent you from falling forward.

Experiment with different hand positions

Depending on your body type and flexibility, you may find that different hand positions work better for you. Try placing your hands closer together or further apart to see what feels most comfortable.

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