Handstand Quest


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How To

Place your elbows on the floor, touching each elbow with your other hand to make sure you have the right elbow distance.

Interlock your fingers while also placing them on the floor. Place the flat part of the head on the ground. Start tucking your toes under, as you lift your hips up.

Walk with your feet towards your body until you cannot anymore. Then tuck one knee towards the chest shifting your weight over the shoulders, then tuck the other knee in. Start lifting your knees up and get your hips over your shoulders.

If your neck and shoulders are ready for it, straighten your knees and slowly point your heels towards the sky.


Master the tripod headstand first

The tripod headstand is an easier variation of the headstand that can help you build strength and improve your balance. Practice the tripod headstand before attempting the full headstand.

Use a wall for support

Practicing against a wall can help you feel more secure and provide you with support as you work on getting into the headstand position. Place your hands on the ground and walk your feet up the wall until your body is in a straight line.

Focus on your alignment

Proper alignment is essential for performing a headstand safely and effectively. Keep your arms and shoulders engaged, and avoid collapsing into your neck or shoulders.

Engage your legs

To maintain balance in the headstand, focus on engaging your legs. Press your feet together and keep your legs active throughout the exercise.

Use your breath

Taking slow, deep breaths can help you stay focused and calm during a headstand. Inhale as you lift your legs up into the headstand position, and exhale as you lower them back down.

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