Handstand Quest

High Lunge Twist

High Lunge Twist
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How To

This pose helps in improving the flexibility of the spine while simultaneously focusing on balance and stability.

  • Begin in High Lunge with the hands down. As you move into the twist, work to maintain those actions of Plank, keep lifting back thigh straight up toward the hamstring and the side of the waist up away from the ground.
  • Stabilize the shoulder girdle to isolate the twist in the spine. Stack one shoulder directly on top of the other and working to maintain equal width in both shoulder blades as you twist.
  • Leading with the upper outer arm, isometrically slide your bottom hand back toward your foot to pull the shoulder blade away from the ear.


Tip 1

Deepen the twist by using the breath: Inhale for length and let the exhalations happen naturally to turn the torso around the axis of the spine.

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