Handstand Quest

Swiss Ball Pike Rolls

Swiss Ball Pike Rolls
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How To

Swiss ball pike rolls are a challenging exercise that can help you improve your core strength, stability, and balance.

Here are the steps to perform Swiss ball pike rolls:

  • Start in a plank position with the a Swiss ball under your feet.
  • Spread your fingers and push the floor evenly through all four corners of your hand.
  • Point your toes to the back of the space with the tops of your feet on the ball. Lift your hips up and roll the ball forward creating a v-shape with your body.
  • Engage your abdominals and square your hips to the floor. Hold and breath.

Start with a few seconds hold and increase as you improve. Slowly lower your hips down as you engage your core, rolling the back backward.


Avoid overextending your spine

Avoid overextending your spine during the exercise by keeping your core muscles engaged and your hips lifted. This will help you maintain proper alignment and avoid strain on your lower back.

Use slow and controlled movements

Use slow and controlled movements throughout the exercise to help you maintain balance and control. Avoid jerky or sudden movements that can cause you to lose your balance or strain your muscles.

Practice with a smaller ball

If you're new to Swiss ball pike rolls, start with a smaller ball to help you build strength and stability. As you become more comfortable with the exercise, you can progress to a larger ball.

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