Handstand Quest

High knees

High knees
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How To

Performing high knees gets your blood pumping while activating your core and strengthening your legs. Learning how to do high knees will fire up the entire leg, strengthen hip flexors, improve coordination and flexibility in the lower body and increase momentum in your stride.

It is a great move to use as a warm-up or as part of a high-intensity interval training routine—it just depends on how high you lift your knees and how fast you go.

  • Begin standing straight with your spine long and your shoulders back and down, maintaining good posture.
  • Balancing on the left leg, lift the right leg up so that your knee is higher than your waist; keeping your foot flexed and your knee bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Switch legs, returning the right leg to the ground while lifting the left above waist height.
  • Keep your arms moving in a controlled motion (as if you are running), being careful not to swing them. The opposite arm and leg should raise at the same time (for example, while you pull the right leg to the chest, raise the left arm up in front of you.
  • Continue to alternate between each leg, landing on the balls of your feet rather than the heels
  • Remember to breathe.


Tip 1

If you want higher intensity and can go harder, lift the knees higher and go faster. Of course, anything in between is also great!

Tip 2

Do use your arms to help with stability. Keep your arms tight to your body with fingers extended and elbows bent at 90 degrees. This helps you maintain balance and control of your body during the exercise.

Tip 3

Think of pulling your legs up with your abs. Focusing on your lower abs, and the pulling motion, will help ensure you keep your core engaged and maintain proper posture.

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