Handstand Quest


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How To

Forward lunges are one of the most effective lower body workout routines, employing and sculpting your quads, glutes, hamstrings and calf muscles; while your abs and lower back are called into action for stability.

Here is how to perform the movement:

  • Stand with feet hip-width apart
  • Take a large step forward with one leg
  • Keep the majority of your weight on your front foot as you lower your hips, keeping the front foot flat and back heel lifted
  • Descend until your rear knee almost touches the floor and the front knee is stacked directly above the ankle, creating 90° bend in both knees
  • Drive through the heel of your front foot and push yourself back up to your starting position


Tip 1

Engage your core and keep your back straight for stability during the entire movement.

Tip 2

Don’t let your front knee extend beyond the toes, or your rear knee to rest on the ground. Take a larger step, plant your heel, and drive it into the floor to return to starting position.

Tip 3

Keep your neck neutral and your eyes forward instead of looking down. Beware of bending at the hip and letting your upper body drop, which will put added strain on your knee.

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