Handstand Quest

Warrior Two

Warrior Two
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How To

This pose opens the hips and shoulders, stretches the inner thighs, groin, and chest, while also strengthening the legs, abs, and arms.

  • Stand at the front of your mat and take a big step back with your left leg, toes pointing slightly in.
  • As you inhale, raise your arms parallel to the floor, keeping your shoulders down and your neck long.
  • As you exhale, bend your right knee, keeping your knee over your ankle. If needed, slightly adjust the position of your feet and legs to find stability in the pose.
  • Draw your lower abdomen in and up and lengthen your spine. Extend through your collarbones and fingertips. Bring your chin slightly in and back to align your neck with your spine. Look over your right hand.
  • Stay in this pose for a few breaths. To come out of the pose press into your feet and straighten your legs as you inhale. Switch the orientation of your feet and repeat on the other side.


Tip 1

To prevent the front knee from collapsing inwards, wrap the muscles around the outer hip to externally rotate the leg.

Tip 2

To prevent the ribs from flaring out, engage the core and draw the tailbone down towards the mat, which also keeps the lower back long.

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