Handstand Quest

Side Angle

Side Angle
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How To

This exercise relieves stiffness in the shoulders and back. It provides a deep stretch to the groins and hamstrings, and it also improves stamina. This pose strengthens the legs, knees, and ankles, while also stretching and toning the abdominal muscles.

  • Start in Warrior Two pose
  • Lower your front hand to the floor in front of your front foot. Raise your opposite arm overhead and lengthen the entire side of your body, gazing toward your extended arm.
  • Repeat on the other side.


Tip 1

Pay attention to keep your bent knee stacked above the ankle, and pointing in the same direction as your toes.

Tip 2

Do not allow your torso to drop forward in the pose. This often happens if you're straining too hard to reach your front fingertips to the floor. Instead of trying to touch the floor, work to keep your hips, chest, shoulders, legs, and head along the same line. Imagine that you're practicing the pose between two waterfalls.

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