Handstand Quest


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How To

On its own, tabletop position is hardly a rest pose. To hold tabletop, you must stay engaged in your shoulders and core.

  1. Come onto hands and knees.
  2. Stack your joints, so your hands are directly under the shoulders. Hands shoulder-width apart. Knees should be stacked under hips, hip-width apart.
  3. Keep your core lifted and engaged. Your tailbone neutral.
  4. Spread your fingers and press into the first knuckle to take pressure off the wrists.


Keep your neck and head in line with your spine

eep your gaze down towards the ground and avoid lifting your head or looking up. This will help you maintain proper alignment and avoid straining your neck.

Press down through your hands and knees

Press down firmly through your hands and knees to create stability and balance in the pose. Imagine that you're pressing down through the ground and lifting up through your core.

Breathe deeply and steadily

Take slow, deep breaths as you hold tabletop pose. Focus on expanding your chest and lungs with each inhale, and relaxing your body with each exhale.

Engage your shoulder blades

Engage your shoulder blades by drawing them down your back and away from your ears. This will help you avoid rounding your shoulders and straining your neck.

Maintain a neutral spine

Keep your spine in a neutral position by lengthening through your tailbone and the crown of your head. Avoid arching or rounding your spine.

Use tabletop pose as a starting point

Tabletop pose is a versatile pose that you can use as a starting point for other yoga poses such as cat-cow, thread the needle, or downward-facing dog. Use your breath and body awareness to explore different variations and modifications of the pose.

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