Handstand Quest

Chest To Bar Pull-Ups

Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
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How To

This variation increases the difficulty of the exercise because it requires you to bring your chest to physically touch the bar on each repetition. You may need some momentum to help you, but it is important to not swing excessively.

Just like the dynamic push-ups, this exercise can help train explosive strength.


Tip 1

Keep your core tight, and use your arms to begin to push back, and then under the bar.

Tip 2

Focus on keeping your legs straight (and not breaking your knees) and send your head through your arms as if you’re looking through a window.

Tip 3

If your elbows and shoulders happen to be pointing back instead of down, you’re losing out on a ton of pulling power.

Tip 4

Once you contact the bar, push away from the bar and back into that hollow position. This is going to help keep the momentum needed to move back into the arched position, and into the next rep. As you push away, move your feet in front of you, keeping legs and core tight.

Tip 5

Just before the apex of your kip, pop your hips open while pulling your chest directly into the bar. You can also think of it as a “hip thrust” or a “butt squeeze” depending on which gives the best mental image. It should be sharp and quick, almost unnoticeable when done smoothly.

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