Handstand Quest

Triceps dips

Triceps dips
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How To

Tricep dips target your tricep muscles but can also be an effective move for your chest, shoulders and core too.

  • Find a step, box, bench, or sturdy chair. We'll refer to it as "bench" in the remaining steps.
  • Position your hands shoulder-width apart on the bench.
  • With your palms on the bench and knuckles pointed towards your feet, extend your legs in front of you.
  • Push upwards to the starting position, then slowly lower your body until your elbows are at right angles.
  • Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible and maintain tension, hold for a second at the bottom of the movement.
  • Press down into the bench to straighten your elbows and return to the starting position.


Do Not Hunch Shoulders

Keep your shoulders down, away from your ears, when performing triceps dips. Strive to maintain a long neck throughout the movement.

Do Not Dip Too Low

Pay attention to the strain on your shoulders during this exercise. Don't go any lower if you begin to feel a heavy strain. Otherwise, you risk a possible shoulder injury.

Tip 3

To hit your triceps: keep upright with elbows tucked in. To hit your chest: lean forward and let your elbows flare out slightly.

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