Handstand Quest

One Handed Push-up

One Handed Push-up
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How To

The one hand push-up is an exercise that demonstrates a good deal of strength. Only attempt it if you have developed a great foundation of strength in all of the other push-up variations.

Initially, you may only be able to do it with a wide foot stance and a slight bend in the upper body, but as you get stronger, you can bring your feet closer together.

  • Inhale as you slowly bend your elbows and lower yourself to the floor, until your elbows are at a 90-degree angle.
  • Exhale while contracting your chest muscles and pushing back up through your hands, returning to the start position.


Tip 1

Keep a tight core throughout the entire push-up. Also, keep your body in a straight line from head to toe without sagging in the middle or arching your back.

Proper Neck Alignment

Your neck should be in neutral alignment, the head in a straight line with the spine, eyes to the floor, and the top of your head pointed away from your feet. If you point your chin up or drop your head so much that you can see your toes, you are out of alignment.

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