Handstand Quest

Pike Push-up

Pike Push-up
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How To

The pike pushup is an intermediate exercise between the standard push-up and the handstand push-up.

Bend down and put your hands on the floor at shoulder width. From here, get onto your tippy-toes and try to create a V shape by bringing your hands and feet as close together as possible.

From this position, bend at the elbows at a ~60-degree angle from your body until the top of your head touches the ground.

Pause for a second, and press back up by pushing hard against the floor with your hands.

  • Exhale while contracting your chest muscles and pushing back up through your hands, returning to the start position.


Tip 1

Don’t let your head touch (or hit!) the floor, but try to get as close as possible.

Tip 2

Don’t push it in this move — you don’t want to slip and fall on your face or injure your shoulder(s)

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