Handstand Quest

Kneeling Squats

Kneeling Squats
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How To

The kneeling squat is a great way to work the larger muscles of the lower body while still protecting your knees.

  • Start in a kneeling position with both knees on an exercise mat with your toes flexed and in contact with the floor. Your shoulders should be directly over your hips with a neutral head and neck position.
  • Engage your core. Hinge your hips back and down while bending your knees, allowing your hips to travel toward your heels. Your hips should remain in line with your knees. Your shoulders should finish ahead of your hips, over the middle of your thighs.
  • Squeeze your glutes to begin the upward movement.


Use a mat or padding

To protect your knees and provide additional comfort, use an exercise mat or other cushioning under your knees.

Keep a neutral spine

Avoid arching or rounding your back during the exercise. Maintain a neutral spine by engaging your core and keeping your chest up.

Focus on your glutes

As you push back up, concentrate on squeezing your glutes and driving through your hips. This will help activate the correct muscles and ensure you're getting the most out of the exercise.

Control the movement

Perform the exercise in a slow and controlled manner, focusing on the muscles being worked. Avoid any jerky or fast movements that can cause injury.

Maintain proper alignment

Keep your shoulders, hips, and knees aligned throughout the movement. This will help you maintain good posture and protect your spine.


Begin with a proper warm-up to prepare your muscles and joints for the exercise.


As you build strength, you can increase the difficulty of the exercise by holding a weight (such as a dumbbell, kettlebell, or weight plate) in front of your chest or on your hips.

Engage your core

Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise to help stabilize your body and maintain proper form.


Inhale as you lower your hips towards your heels, and exhale as you push back up to the starting position.

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