Handstand Quest

Squat Jumps

Squat Jumps
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How To

Squat Jumps are a powerful, plyometric exercise that strengthens your entire lower body and increases your heart rate for a significant calorie burn. Squat Jumps target quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves while also toning the ab and back muscles.

  • Start standing with feet hip distance apart and lower into a squat position by bending the knees.
  • Keep the spine straight, chest lifted, and knees behind toes. Arms are in front of the chest for balance.
  • Jump straight up and swing arms overhead. Return to squat.



Make sure to warm up before performing Squat Jumps to prepare your muscles and joints for the exercise.

Proper squat form

When squatting down, keep your chest lifted, spine straight, and knees behind your toes to maintain proper form and protect your knees.

Land softly

When landing back into the squat position after the jump, focus on landing softly on the balls of your feet, then rolling back onto your heels. This will help absorb the impact and reduce stress on your joints.

Use your arms

Utilize the momentum generated by swinging your arms to help propel yourself upward during the jump. Remember to swing your arms overhead as you jump.

Engage your core

Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise to maintain proper form and protect your lower back.

Controlled movement

Perform the exercise in a controlled manner, focusing on proper form and landing technique rather than speed.


Coordinate your breathing with the movement. Inhale as you lower into the squat position and exhale as you jump up.

Progress gradually

If you find Squat Jumps too challenging initially, start with regular squats and gradually incorporate small jumps as you build strength and stability.

Modify if needed

If you experience knee or joint pain during the exercise, consider performing a modified version, such as a squat with a calf raise instead of a jump.

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