Handstand Quest

Dolphin on the Wall

Dolphin on the Wall
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How To

In this pose we learn to add more weight into our arms without having to worry about balancing. ⁠

  • Start by sitting on the ground facing the wall. Measure the length of your legs with the wall. Turn around and place your elbows at that distance. Prepare in the same way you prepared for Dolphin. Walk your legs up until you make a 80 degree angle with your body. You may need to play a bit with the distance between your elbows and the wall.
  • Resist the thought of placing the legs higher than your hips! We want less than 90 degrees from your elbows to your legs while maintaining a flat back. Yes. It is hard. If you don't find this pose hard after holding it for 15 seconds, you may be too far from the wall or leaning on the wall too much.
  • If you need a break, take it. Focus on form, not mindless holds or repetitions. Just like in Dolphin on the ground your mantra should be: external rotation of the upper arm, push away from the ground, move the head away from the ground (elevate the scapula), ribs in, belly active, breathe. Keep the pressure on the entire forearm and hands.
  • We are NOT trying to free balance this pose. Keep your feet flat against the wall. Repeat this mantra and the associated movements for the entire segment. If this drill proves too difficult, repeat Dolphin on the ground or break it up into small segments.


Elbow placement

Position your elbows shoulder-width apart and at the measured distance from the wall to create a strong foundation.

Resist the urge to place legs higher

Make sure your legs are not higher than your hips, as this will compromise the effectiveness of the pose.

Focus on form

Prioritize proper form over the duration of the hold or the number of repetitions. Take breaks when needed to maintain good alignment.

Remember the key points

External rotation of the upper arm, push away from the ground, elevate the scapula, engage the core, and breathe.

Distribute pressure evenly

Keep the pressure on your entire forearm and hands to ensure proper weight distribution and support.

Keep your feet flat

Maintain contact with the wall by keeping your feet flat against it, as the goal is not to free balance in this pose.

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