Handstand Quest

Handstand Shoulder Touches

Handstand Shoulder Touches
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How To

Handstand facing the wall, remove one hand and touch the opposite shoulder, and switch (alternate).

Push up through your shoulders and tighten your core and glute muscles.

Make sure your form is not sacrificed when you touch your shoulder with your hand. If this is too hard, focus first on "Plank Shoulder Taps" and "Chest to Wall".


Engage your core and glutes

Activate your core and glute muscles to stabilize your body and maintain proper alignment throughout the exercise.

Push through your shoulders

Actively push through your shoulders, creating a strong and stable base for the handstand.

Maintain control and balance

Move slowly and with control when removing one hand to touch the opposite shoulder, ensuring you maintain balance and stability.

Keep proper form

Focus on maintaining proper handstand alignment even as you touch your shoulder. Do not compromise your form for the sake of the movement.

Progress gradually

If Handstand Shoulder Touches are too challenging initially, start with Plank Shoulder Taps and Chest to Wall handstands to build strength and stability before attempting this more advanced exercise.

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