Handstand Quest

Back to Wall Kick Up

Back to Wall Kick Up
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How To

Have both of your hands flat on the floor, in front of a wall, with your elbows locked out. With one knee is bent at about ninety degrees and the other close to straight, kick up towards the wall with the back leg, and then jump up with the other.

Hit the wall as smoothly as you can. Squeeze your butt, engage your core, push your shoulders up and away from the floor, and let your neck relax.

Breathe. Hold as long as your wrists can take it and as long as you can keep a good form.


Do not arch your back

Don’t put the hands too far from the wall, otherwise you will arch your back. Bring your feet close to your hands before kicking up so your hips are over your hands as much as possible.

Kick up as slowly as you can

Bring the leading leg up, then raise your second leg slowly to meet the first, feeling your balance the whole way.

Breathe and keep that form

Hold as long as you can keep a good form, keeping your legs straight, core engaged, elbows straight, and shoulders elevated. You need to continue breathing, especially as the hold gets more challenging.

Cambered Hands

Experiment with using the palms of your hands to prevent yourself from falling.

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