Handstand Quest

Tuck Wall Slides

Tuck Wall Slides
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How To

Make sure you have socks on to make it easy to slide down and up the wall. Handstand facing the wall, give yourself the room you need to do tuck slides on the wall, depending on your flexibility.

Start will legs straight and toes touching the wall. Try to go as low as you can with your knees into tuck position while keeping your shoulders straight above your hands.

Do not round your lower back. Do not close shoulders. Knees stay together.


Don't close your shoulders

Focus on keeping your shoulders open and engaged throughout the exercise to maintain proper alignment.

Keep knees together

As you slide into the tuck position, ensure that your knees stay close together to engage your inner thigh muscles and maintain stability.s

Controlled movement

Slide your feet down the wall as you bend your knees into a tuck position. Move slowly and with control to maintain proper form.

Maintain proper alignment

Keep your shoulders stacked above your hands, and engage your core to prevent your lower back from rounding.

Handstand position

Kick up into a handstand with your face towards the wall, making sure your hands are shoulder-width apart and at a comfortable distance from the wall to allow for sliding.

Choose the right footwear

Wear socks or use sliders to help you smoothly slide up and down the wall.

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