Handstand Quest

Tuck Hold on Wall

Tuck Hold on Wall
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How To

This hold develops compression mobility and pushing strength through the upper back for the handstand and is helpful for building pressing capacity.

  • Bring the knees below hip level
  • Keep eyes on the floor
  • Push up like your life depends on it
  • Place hands as close as possible to wall while keeping the elbows locked


Engage your core

Activate your core muscles to stabilize your body and maintain proper alignment throughout the exercise.

Focus on compression

Aim to bring your knees below hip level, working on compressing your hips and increasing your mobility over time.

Keep your gaze steady

Look at the floor to maintain a neutral neck position and ensure proper alignment in your handstand.

Push through your shoulders

Actively push through your shoulders, creating a strong and stable base for the hold.

Straight elbows

Keep your elbows locked to ensure proper support and engagement of your arm muscles.

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