Handstand Quest


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How To

Use this pose to strengthen the muscles that support your shoulder blades.

  • Start lying face down on the floor
  • Inhale, lift your hands and forehead off the mat a few inches
  • Exhale, sweep your arms forward and up by your ears
  • Inhale, draw your elbows back, lift your chest a little higher
  • Exhale, reach your arms forward as you lower your head a few inches.
  • Inhale, draw your elbows back. Keep looking at the mat. Exhale, reach your hands forward. Repeat.


Proper alignment

Lie face down, with your legs and feet hip-width apart. Keep your arms by your sides, palms facing up. Lengthen your neck and align your head with your spine.

Start small

Begin by lifting only your upper body off the mat. As you gain strength and flexibility, gradually lift your legs and arms higher.

Keep your neck neutral

Avoid craning your neck or looking up; instead, focus on keeping your gaze downward and maintaining a neutral neck position.

Distribute the effort

Engage your glutes, hamstrings, and back muscles to evenly distribute the work across your body.

Hold and release

Hold the pose for a few breaths, then slowly lower your body back to the mat. Rest in Child's Pose or another gentle stretch before repeating the Locust Pose.

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