Handstand Quest

Straight Arm Planks

Straight Arm Planks
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How To

Start on all fours with wrists directly under shoulders, toes on the floor.

Then, step one foot back and then the other as you engage abs and straighten legs. Same as a push up position, but your core is doing most of the work.

You should form a straight line from shoulders to heels.


Shoulders over palms

Position your hands directly under your shoulders and spread fingers wide, with your palms pressing into the floor. Keep your chest lifted and draw your shoulder blades down the spine to avoid collapsing your weight into the shoulders.

Let your core carry you

Keep a straight line from your feet all the way to your neck. Tuck your pelvis in, drawing your naval up towards your back, with your hips neither dropped towards the floor or pointing towards the ceiling.

Experiment with elbow locking

Don’t put unnecessary pressure on your elbows. Simply keep your arms straight. As the level of inversion increases (ex: doing a handstand), this will come in handy to help you stay balanced with less effort.

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