Handstand Quest

Straight Arm Side Planks

Straight Arm Side Planks
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How To

Start with your feet stacked on top of each other, one of your hands straight pointing to the floor, and the other pointing to the sky, like a T shape. Most importantly, carry your weight up with your side abdominals (obliques) and hips.

You should form a straight, diagonal line from shoulders to heels. Hold as long as you safely can without stressing your wrists or shoulders.

Switch to the other side.


Tip 1

Lift your hips off the mat with the palm of your supporting hand directly under your lower shoulder, with your fingers facing away from you. Try to keep your head and neck straight. Ideally find a spot on the wall and keep your eyes locked on it.

Tip 2

To stay stabilized in this position, the muscles in your shoulders, hips, and sides of your core all have to work together. If you're finding this exercise to be intense on your shoulders, move to your elbows.

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