Handstand Quest

Half Lay Planche

Half Lay Planche
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How To

The Half Lay Planche is considered as the best planche progression. It is the easiest progression in which you are extending both of your hips - similar to what you would be doing in the full planche.

The positional awareness you gain while in this position will carry over well to both the straddle and the full planche, yet it is significantly easier than both. You will build your core strength, as well as awareness in your hips for them to be in the correct position. As well, you will build the elbow and shoulder strength needed to eventually perform the straddle planche, and then the full planche. Getting to the Open Half Lay Planche and working on it as much as possible will help you achieve the full planche much quicker.

Start from a Tuck Planche position. Keeping your legs bent, move your knees out so your upper leg is horizontal to the ground. It’s okay to have your legs separated, straddling your legs will make it a little easier.

Focus on keeping tension in your core as you pull your legs out. You will have to lean forward slightly to maintain your center of balance


Tip 1

Focus on keeping your scapula protracted throughout the hold (spreading your shoulder blades apart

Tip 2

Turn the pits of your elbows forward to further engage your biceps

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