Handstand Quest

Pseudo One Hand Pull-Up

Pseudo One Hand Pull-Up
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How To

The Pseudo One Arm Pull-Up is an exercise that mimics the movement of a one-arm pull-up, but uses both arms to provide some support.

Grasp the bar with an underhand grip with one hand, then grasp your forearm with the other hand. Do as many as you can on each side.


Set up your grip

Grip the bar with one hand in a regular grip and the other hand in a false grip. Your regular grip hand will provide most of the support, while your false grip hand will help you practice the movement pattern of a one-arm pull-up.

Start the movement

Begin by pulling with your regular grip hand and using your false grip hand to help guide your body towards the bar. Keep your elbows close to your body and avoid swinging or kipping.

Use a lower bar or platform

If you're new to the Pseudo One Arm Pull-Up, try using a lower bar or platform to practice the movement. This can help you build strength and confidence before attempting the exercise on a higher bar.

Practice on both sides

To maintain balance and avoid developing muscular imbalances, practice the Pseudo One Arm Pull-Up on both sides.

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