Handstand Quest

Muscle Up

Muscle Up
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How To

The muscle-up movement pattern includes a transition phase between a pull-up and a dip, moving your elbows and shoulders through a full range of motion.

  • Stand about a foot away from a pull-up bar, then grap the pull up bar. -Rotate your shoulders outward to engage your lats. Your shoulder blades should be upwardly rotated away from your spine. Your chin should remain tucked throughout the movement. Initiate the upward movement by quickly pulling down on the bar by using your lats and arms. Your pull should be fast and strong. Allow your legs to travel forward as you pull on the bar. Lean back slightly as your upper body travels toward the bar.
  • Continue to pull yourself up until your chest is higher than the bar. Once your chest is higher than the bar, lean forward slightly and quickly push your upper body forward.
  • Push yourself up by straightening your elbows as if you were finishing a dip. Your shoulders should finish slightly ahead of the bar.
  • Begin the downward movement by bending your elbows to lower your chest toward the bar. Your shoulders should be slightly ahead of the bar.
  • Allow your legs to travel forward and once your chest reaches the bar, rotate your upper body back and down around the bar.


Tip 1

You should not start below the bar but behind the bar. Then you jump into the bar and swing yourself forward. The first time you get in front of the bar (during your swing), you should pull yourself up immediately.

Tip 2

The quicker you do this move, the easier it'll become.

Tip 3

Create a swing, mainly with your chest, which will create momentum to get over the bar.

Tip 4

Learn at which exact moment you need to pull yourself up. At the exact moment that your swing is going backward instead of forward, you need to pull yourself up diagonally.

Tip 5

Use your knees to create even more momentum to get over the bar. Kipping your knees will make it easier.

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