Handstand Quest


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How To

Sit down, lifting both legs slightly up keeping them straight, also lean slightly back with your upper body, keeping your back straight and shoulders relaxed. Take the rounding out of the spine and draw the shoulder blades down the back.

You will feel that you are sitting on your sacrum, try to find your balance and slowly lift both hands in front of you to the side of your hips and facing each other.

Draw the neck back in alignment with the rest of the spine and gaze directly ahead.

Hold and breathe.


Tip 1

Roll your buttocks flesh back so your tailbone isn’t scooped under your body. Keep your spine straight, chest lifted and don’t forget to breathe. Straightening the legs is the last action of this pose, so don’t do it unless you get the Boat with knees bent posture right.

Tip 2

Sure, abdominal muscles will support you in this pose, but the key muscles to focus on in this exercise are the hip flexors. Those are the muscles that bring your belly and thigh bones closer together. To help build this awareness, place a block between your thighs. Lightly squeeze the block with your thighs.

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