Handstand Quest

Crunch Kicks

Crunch Kicks
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How To

Crunch kicks work your lower abs, particularly the rectus abdominis muscle. This muscle lies between your pubic bone and ribs. This exercise also stimulates the glutes (hip muscles) and the quads (thigh muscles).

  • Lie on your back with you arms at your sides and your shoulders slightly lifted
  • Lift your legs off the floor, bend your knees and pull them toward your chest.
  • Kick your feet forward and repeat



Before starting any exercise, ensure you've warmed up your body with dynamic stretches or light cardio.

Head and neck alignment

Keep your head and neck in a neutral position by looking at the ceiling or slightly forward. Avoid straining your neck by not tucking your chin to your chest.

Engage your core

Focus on engaging your core muscles throughout the exercise to maintain proper form and protect your lower back.

Keep your lower back pressed to the floor

As you lift your legs and perform the kicks, make sure your lower back remains in contact with the floor to avoid strain.

Controlled movements

Perform the leg movements in a controlled manner, focusing on maintaining proper form and engaging the targeted muscles.


Establish a consistent breathing pattern during the exercise. Inhale as you bend your knees and pull them toward your chest, and exhale as you kick your feet forward.

Modify if needed

If you find it challenging to keep your legs lifted, place your hands under your hips for extra support.

Progress gradually

Start with a manageable number of repetitions and sets, then gradually increase the intensity as you build strength and endurance.

Stretch after the workout

After completing your Crunch Kicks, remember to stretch your abdominal muscles, glutes, and quads to aid recovery and prevent tightness.

Combine with other exercises

Include Crunch Kicks as part of a balanced workout routine that targets various muscle groups to ensure overall strength and fitness.

Last Updated:

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