Handstand Quest


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How To

Beginning in a kneeling position, place your palms on the floor in line with your knees.

Press down into your hands and straighten your arms.

Leave your feet on the floor and squeeze your knees to your chest. Engage your core and lift your feet up away from floor or try lifting one foot at a time.

Round your spine and lean forward, shoulders past your wrists.


Focus on proper alignment

Proper alignment is essential for performing the Pendant pose safely and effectively. Keep your feet hip-width apart, your knees slightly bent, and your back straight as you bend forward.

Release tension in your neck and shoulders

The Pendant pose can help release tension in your neck and shoulders. Allow your head and neck to hang down towards the ground, and release any tension in your shoulders by drawing them away from your ears.

Engage your core

Engaging your core muscles can help you maintain stability and support your lower back as you bend forward. Focus on drawing your navel towards your spine and keeping your abdominal muscles engaged throughout the exercise.

Use props if needed

If you're not able to reach the ground with your hands, use props such as blocks or a stack of books to support your hands. This can help you maintain proper alignment and avoid strain in your lower back.

Move slowly and mindfully

Avoid rushing into the Pendant pose or bouncing as you hold the pose. Instead, focus on moving slowly and mindfully, paying attention to how your body feels and adjusting the pose as needed.

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