Handstand Quest

Handstand Press Walk

Handstand Press Walk
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How To

To perform this exercise, start in a standing pike fold with your hands placed flat on the floor about a foot in front of your feet. Keep your feet together and your knees locked as you lift up onto your tiptoes.

Next, press firmly down into the floor while strongly shrugging your shoulders, which should lift your feet off the floor. Once your feet have lifted, smoothly pull them forward between your hands.

Slide your hands forward by about a foot, then return to your starting position and repeat the press walk for reps.

Make sure to keep your shoulders open and your shoulder blades both protracted and elevated throughout each set.


Tip 1

Do not bend the arms. Experiment with leg positions.

Engage your shoulder muscles

Strongly shrug your shoulders and keep your shoulder blades both protracted and elevated throughout each set.

Maintain balance and control

This exercise requires a lot of balance and control, so it's important to keep your movements smooth and controlled. Focus on pressing straight down into the floor and smoothly pulling your feet forward between your hands.

Use your core muscles

Engage your core muscles throughout the exercise to maintain your balance and control. Lock your knees and lift up onto your tiptoes to engage your core muscles.

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