Handstand Quest

Buzz Saw Plank

Buzz Saw Plank
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How To

In a plank position, with your body-weight resting on your forearms and toes. Position your toes on a towel or wear slippery socks. Brace your abs and glutes, then start moving your body back and forth with your elbows. The only things that you are actively moving are your arms. You don’t have to move a lot, just a gentle sawing motion. Make sure you do not let the hips sag, maintaining a straight line.


Proper elbow placement

Ensure your elbows are directly below your shoulders to maintain stability and protect your joints.

Engage your core

Keep your core muscles engaged throughout the exercise to maintain proper form and protect your lower back.

Maintain a neutral spine

Ensure your body forms a straight line from your head to your heels. Avoid arching your back or letting your hips sag.

Control the movement

Move your body back and forth in a slow, controlled manner, focusing on maintaining proper form and engaging the targeted muscles.

Keep your neck neutral

Avoid straining your neck by keeping your gaze slightly forward or down at the floor.


Establish a consistent breathing pattern during the exercise. Inhale as you move your body forward, and exhale as you move it backward.

Start with short intervals

Begin with shorter intervals (e.g., 20-30 seconds) and gradually increase the duration as you build strength and endurance.

Modify if needed

If the exercise is too challenging, try performing it without the sawing motion or modify it by resting your knees on the ground.

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