Handstand Quest

Lying Leg Raises

Lying Leg Raises
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How To

The leg raise, also known as the straight leg raise or the lying leg raise, is a bodyweight exercise that targets your abdominal muscles, particularly the lower abs. With proper form, leg raises work muscle groups throughout your whole body, including the rectus abdominis, hip flexor muscles, hamstrings, and lower back muscles.

  • Lie face-up on an exercise mat with your legs straight and feet together.
  • Place your arms by your sides with your palms facing down, or place your hands under your glutes.
  • Engage your core.
  • While keeping your legs straight, lift your legs a couple inches off the ground, and point your toes away from your body. Your chin should remain tucked throughout the movement, as if you were holding an egg under your chin. Your pelvis should be slightly tucked, and your ribs should be down. All repetitions begin from this position.
  • While maintaining your alignment, raise your legs until your knees are directly over your hips or until your glutes lift slightly off the ground. Your legs should form a 90-degree angle with your upper body.
  • Pause for a second at the top of the movement.
  • While keeping your core engaged and your upper body in contact with the exercise mat, slowly lower your legs until they are just above the ground.
  • Repeat


Tip 1

Your chin should remain tucked throughout the movement. Your pelvis should be slightly tucked, and your ribs should be down.

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